Astro Boy The Movie
>> Friday, December 12, 2008
I think this is one good movie. Hopefully there'll be no delays is showing it here in Singapore. Wanna watch it! Here's the trailer.. :p
I think this is one good movie. Hopefully there'll be no delays is showing it here in Singapore. Wanna watch it! Here's the trailer.. :p
You can probably relate, agree or disagree to some/all of it.
- It pays to listen to the people who cares about us the most.
- It is really painful to realize that we could have done better, but didn't.
- Loneliness will eat us, and it will take a great deal of effort to fight the negativity.
- Happiness in life depends on how we see the things that happens to us.
- Crying over stuff that bothers or hurts really helps.
- We can't always get what we want. Change is innevitable, so better accept it.
- There will always be people who will think less of you. It SHOULD NOT matter because you know yourself better.
- To err is human. Each day is an opportunity to learn from our mistakes or even rectify it. Instead of sulking on what we have done wrong, deal with it and make sure it does not happen again.
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