
>> Tuesday, July 31, 2007

for Ratatouille (rat-a-too-ee)!

We watched it last night and it was so beautiful. :D You should watch it! The characters are really cute specially Remy. The film made you feel that it actually happened in Paris. The kitchen scenes are realistic in a way since you could actually picture how busy the chefs and staffs during work. The movie really made an impact in turning my interest in cooking to passion! Naks...

I even enjoyed navigating their site hehehe.. here it is...

Some friends asked me if it matched or exceeded the Finding Nemo film. For me, nothing can compare to providing an animated film that really captured the seaworld. It probaly took lots of observation and study just to provide very realistic scenes.

As for the lessons, Finding Nemo is more on fatherly love. On the other hand, Ratatouille signifies more of being passionate and fearless in reaching your dreams. Similarly, it talks about friendship and independence.

So what do you think?

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