
>> Sunday, November 1, 2009

I have always been more of a negative thinker, expectant of the worst. Sometimes it's probably because I don't want to be disappointed should things go not so well. Probably fear and insecurities enters the picture. Probably I get discourage with what was happening. Probably it is my way of protecting myself from getting hurt.

Thinking of it, being clouded with negative thoughts has done more not-so-nice effect on me than good. Having those thoughts have brought me (quite a lot of times) on the brink of helplessness, loneliness and exhaustion. There are times when I realized that I really have to get out of that way of thinking. There are times that hubby talks me out of it, telling me to try seeing more of the brighter side of things. Sure,
I take some actions but relapse back to the old ways.

It is a hard habit to break, trust me. But now I know why I am relapsing.. Because I did not do the first and most important step to breaking it, COMMITMENT to CHANGE.

Having much thought and wanting not to run 'round in circles with negativism, I CHOOSE and DECIDE to focus more on positive feelings and thoughts. I know having positive thoughts will empower me more than I could think of. These thoughts will make me live my life the way I want it to be. It will make my relationships with people around me more harmonious. It will add more smile to my face everyday. In short, it will bring me to a life of serenity, happiness and fulfillment.

This is just the first step. This will be a long way to go. It'll be quite a struggle for me now, but I am sure that once I get used to inviting more positive energy on a daily basis, I won't even remember that I struggled a lot. :p This is a wonderful start for me, something so good to look forward to. A drive to kick the rest of my bad habits out to trash. :p

These really inspired me to act on it.. Thank God for letting me see it.

Though thinking does not make it so, thinking makes you make it so. What you think becomes what you live. -- Ralph Marston

Psalm 61:3-4 - "Take me to a safe refuge, for you are my protector, my strong defense against my enemies. Let me live in you sanctuary all my life, let me find safety under your wings."

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